Women’s Empowerment in Love, Sexuality, & RelationshipsS2 EPISODE 012 :: Right on time for Valentine’s Day – we celebrate the beautiful concept of loving ourselves as women and mamas, so we can flourish into the incredible creatures we were destined to be. In this episode, there is NO. HOLDING. BACK.<Ahem… you may want to put […]
A Woman’s Mental Health Journey Leading to a Late ADHD Diagnosis.What happens when you get two diagnosed-as-adults ADHD Mamas on a Podcast Episode?? 2 Hours (don’t worry, it’s been cut to at least half) of boisterous bursts of laughter Collective tears (thanks for making me cry, Claire) Oversharing (or what social media refers to as […]
Ditching fad diets and healing our relationship with food.If you are on a health journey that could benefit from healing your relationship with food – you’ve come to the right place! In fact, if you’re anything like me, and you have experienced: struggling with diet restriction and deprivation food guilt, fear of food, or body […]
Living with ADHD as a Mom :: PODCAST
Living with ADHD as a mom Have you ever sat in front of your computer surfing the net, with over fifty open tabs, staring at you, and you don’t even know where to begin because they’re all of equal importance? You’re overwhelmed… so instead of doing something about it, you contemplate opening up a new […]
Making Lemonade Out of the Sour Lemons of Comparison and Envy
Comparison and Envy. Do you ever spend hours mindlessly scrolling through your social media account and feel overcome by a surge of envy – to the point where you spiral and end up hosting your own pity party? Yeah… me too. The voices in your head start telling you that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, […]
Why Moms Revenge Sleep :: And Why It’s A Terrible Idea
Revenge Sleep ProcrastinationI think all of us mamas and caregivers can agree – there just aren’t enough hours in the day. However, some {brilliant} people make the choice to follow the golden rule… sleep when the kids sleep. And then… there’s me. On this episode, I’m sharing with you how habitually engaging in Revenge Sleep Procrastination finally […]
Overparenting in Front of Others
Are you overparenting in front of others? Do you find you change the way you parent your child(ren) in front of others? Do you adjust your tone to satisfy what you believe is the expectation of how a parent “should” be with their kids – especially when they “misbehave”? In other words, do you find […]
Why Mama Needs Her Sass Back
Darling – I need my SASS back…Once upon a time, I was a big city girl, chasing her big city dreams. Refusing to let anything or anyone stand in my way, I found myself immersed in the glamour of Hollywood, working in TV & Film, Music, Beauty, and eventually transitioning into the world of Kid’s […]
Empty Arms No More – Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day 2020
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day Oct 15, 2020 Today, as we celebrate Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day, and throughout the month of October, I honour the memory of the babies I once carried. I honour their reason, their purpose, their existence. It took some time to get here, but I can now say […]
Choosing to Homeschool :: BTS Fall 2020/21
Happy September! Happy Back to school! And you read it right… we are choosing to homeschool! Was it an option? Absolutely! Was it an easy one? Absolutely… NOT. I think I spent more time humming and hawing about whether I was going to homeschool Little Mama or not, than actually planning her homeschool year. And […]
Age Definer Products for Tired Parents :: Aloisio Cosmetics Giveaway
Disclaimer :: We received the Aloisio Cosmetics Age Definer Serum and Moisturizer for review. All opinions are our own. Being parents of a school aged child and a toddler, in our “advanced” years, right smack in the midst of a pandemic no less, is no easy feat. But here we are. Barely Surviving. but… Shockingly Thriving. We’ve […]
The Impact of Social Distancing :: Homeschooling the Reluctant Learner
How am I going to get my work done, support my now work-at-home husband, take care of my toddler, and homeschool my reluctant learner child? Is it just me, or is the Global Pandemic stay home order throwing all households with kids into a tailspin? A couple weeks ago, I was on my phone feverishly […]
The Impact of Social Distancing on Friendships and How to Stay Connected
How the heck are we going to stay connected while we’re told to practice social distancing? Coming from a person who counts down the minutes before my little one comes home from school, or eagerly waits for her toddler to wake up from a nap – it’s gotta be bad if I’m literally a bag of […]
The Impact of Social Distancing and How to “Feel” Productive at Home
How am I supposed to work, teach, support and still feel productive at home? Being a work-at-home mom requires a lot of careful planning. However, being a mom of a very busy and creative nine year old, and a rambunctious and curious one year old, throws all of that planning out the window. So my […]
The Impact of Social Distancing on Mom’s Mental Health and How to Alleviate Anxiety
I’ve never really considered myself to be an anxious person. High strung maybe? With a dash of crazy? Yes. But someone with anxiety. Not really. Ask me the same question now, however… and my answer would be a resounding YES. INDEED. I have never felt such anxiety in my entire three four decades of life. […]
The Impact of Social Distancing on Marriage and How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship
What is the impact of social distancing on marriage and how can we keep things running smoothly at home?Who would’ve ever thought that being cooped up with your spouse (with or without kiddos), in the same house, for an indefinite amount of time, could question the integrity your relationship? Well it does. And in spades. […]
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