Early learning and purposeful play S2 EPISODE 002 :: Are you a parent of a small-scale Smallie? You know – those snack-obsessed sponges that ask a ton of questions, soak up everything they see and hear, and have the uncanny ability to melt and break your heart all at the same time? Yes, I’m talking […]
The ULTIMATE Cozy Corner :: Coco Village Garden Playhouse
Disclaimer :: We received this ultimate cozy corner GARDEN PLAYHOUSE from Coco Village for review. All opinions are our own. With the Christmas Holidays just around the corner, my little homeschoolers seem to have already checked out. Between the changing seasons, chilly weather, and their natural inclination to staying in their fuzzy jammies for the […]
Back To Homeschool, Hello Preschool
Here we are – it’s back to homeschool 2021/2022. The reaction to this decision has been relatively divided – understandably so. Why on earth would I go back to the craziness that was 2020? The truth is – though it was a bumpy year, in more ways than one, we finally found our footing. We […]
In A World Filled with Karens, Be a Trisha :: How My Friend Stood Up for My Daughter
In a world filled with Karens… BE a Trisha.Have you ever been at the receiving end of discrimination, racism, hate, or overall disrespect? And for no good reason? Did it make you feel isolated? “Less than”? Small? I experienced these moments far too many times to count throughout my life, but when it happened to […]
One on One Time with my Toddler :: Coco Village Bike
One on one time with my toddler while homeschooling my 9 year old, has been near impossible these last couple months. In the summer it was easy to bring both of them out, keep both of them in, play with both of them on the beach (or in my case, read my book happily while […]
Choosing to Homeschool :: BTS Fall 2020/21
Happy September! Happy Back to school! And you read it right… we are choosing to homeschool! Was it an option? Absolutely! Was it an easy one? Absolutely… NOT. I think I spent more time humming and hawing about whether I was going to homeschool Little Mama or not, than actually planning her homeschool year. And […]
Age Definer Products for Tired Parents :: Aloisio Cosmetics Giveaway
Disclaimer :: We received the Aloisio Cosmetics Age Definer Serum and Moisturizer for review. All opinions are our own. Being parents of a school aged child and a toddler, in our “advanced” years, right smack in the midst of a pandemic no less, is no easy feat. But here we are. Barely Surviving. but… Shockingly Thriving. We’ve […]
The Impact of Social Distancing :: Homeschooling the Reluctant Learner
How am I going to get my work done, support my now work-at-home husband, take care of my toddler, and homeschool my reluctant learner child? Is it just me, or is the Global Pandemic stay home order throwing all households with kids into a tailspin? A couple weeks ago, I was on my phone feverishly […]
The Impact of Social Distancing on Friendships and How to Stay Connected
How the heck are we going to stay connected while we’re told to practice social distancing? Coming from a person who counts down the minutes before my little one comes home from school, or eagerly waits for her toddler to wake up from a nap – it’s gotta be bad if I’m literally a bag of […]
The Impact of Social Distancing and How to “Feel” Productive at Home
How am I supposed to work, teach, support and still feel productive at home? Being a work-at-home mom requires a lot of careful planning. However, being a mom of a very busy and creative nine year old, and a rambunctious and curious one year old, throws all of that planning out the window. So my […]
The Impact of Social Distancing on Marriage and How to Maintain a Healthy Relationship
What is the impact of social distancing on marriage and how can we keep things running smoothly at home?Who would’ve ever thought that being cooped up with your spouse (with or without kiddos), in the same house, for an indefinite amount of time, could question the integrity your relationship? Well it does. And in spades. […]
The Impact of Social Distancing on Family and How to Manage Life at Home
Social distancing means strengthening your family bond. I’ve always considered myself a woman destined to be a mom. I feel like I worked hard all my life, went through an array of career changes, placed all those fancy and not so fancy life experiences in a box, tied it up with a nice pretty bow, and […]
Beauté Pacifique Vitamin A Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream – For the Tired Mama
Disclosure: Sass & Smalls was provided with Beauté Pacifique Vitamin A Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream for review. All opinions are our own. Being a mom of an extremely curious toddler and a busy kiddo at school, has not only kept my adrenaline levels at an all time high and my energy at an all time low […]
5 Strategies for Raising an Independent Toddler :: Coco Village 2 in 1 Balance Bike
Raising an Independent toddler, child, or human for that matter, hasn’t always been part of my M.O as mom. Anyone who knows me well – heck, anyone who’s seen me with anyone’s child, let alone my own, knows that I completely define the meaning of helicopter parent. I am guilty of hovering, following, peeking, checking […]
Easy Fall Spider Cracker Snacks :: Perfect for Halloween
How I faced my fears and made it into a snack: EASY FALL SPIDER CRACKER SNACKS I don’t know about you guys, but here on the island – sometime around the first week of autumn, the spiders are out in full force and ready to make their presence known. Can I just say one thing? Yuck. Yes…. […]
Spring Declutter :: To Purge or Not to Purge
Sorry I’ve been a little behind on my posts lately…. It’s Spring! Declutter season! That means revisiting every room, every closet, every cabinet, every nook, every cranny, and finding what (and what does not) spark joy. Not surprising, spring clean up also inevitably means the blog has been put on the back burner for the […]