I have lived in many homes, cities, and even a few countries. But when someone asks me what home is to me, I think of the place I spent most of my growing years. The place my family resides. The place I find comfort when times are tough. And the place that brings me joy every single time the plane descends, where I am greeted with sweet faces I know all too well. Home, is Calgary, Alberta… Canada.

Photo credit: Sol Schools International
During our last leg of travel to the East Coast a couple weeks back, we had the opportunity to get a birds eye view of the city during a layover. I was mortified at what I saw. For once, I didn’t have much to say. I still don’t. So I’ll just let the pictures speak for themselves.
I no longer live in Calgary, and have spent a good portion of 15+ years far away from the city I call home. So when my news feed was bombarded with status updates of the recent floods leading to thousands of evacuations – I was filled with panic. Thanks to Facebook and digital communication – I was able to feel confident in knowing that most of my friends and family were well above water, dry, and safe. All, but one family. This young family, so dear to me, were one of the many horrendously affected by the flooding. It has been a challenging few weeks to say the least, for this family of four, but they have managed to keep a smile on their face, and see this devastation for what it is… something out of their control, but nothing that can break their spirits.
Meet Patti and Bryan.
I have decided that they are probably the most awesome human beings I have ever come across in my entire lifetime. They are new parents to two adorable little munchkins, Baby S (2 years), and Baby L (2 months). I can confidently say they are loved by many, based soley on how many people came through for them. I cannot think of a family more deserving to reap the rewards of such kind acts from other Calgarians, both friends and strangers.
Patti and Bryan were moments away from beginning a new chapter in their lives in their newly built home that backed into the Bow River. With a brand newborn and toddler in tow, it was a life they always dreamed of. A project that has been in the works for several years, and with meticulous planning, their new home was almost 80% completed. However, on June 20th, 2013, the day of the flash floods that overwhelmed the city of Calgary, their beautiful home-to-be was one of the many heavily impacted by the unprecedented flooding. It was a moment, I’m sure this family will never forget.
This was their yard, front/back/side after the floods invaded their new home:
Even some guests found their way into their pool of a basement:
The entire neighborhood was affected by blankets of water:
When the heavy rain started pouring in, bringing extensive flooding to their community…. there was no stopping it. Patti and Bryan’s home was completely damaged. What was the first thing they did, you ask? Well – I’m sure a million thoughts crossed their minds, as decisions had to be made very quickly. But like any set of parents, their first thoughts were to focus on the kids and getting them to safety and familiarity. Not surprising, Colleen, Patti’s sister, and her husband Peter along with their two children opened up their home, as they always do for our family, when I visit the city. Looks like good people genes run rampantly in this family. They welcomed this time as an opportunity to enjoy the company of all four kids and a good hundred rounds of Wii’s “Just Dance. They even brought the party outside and continued to dance in the rain – all with smiles from ear to ear.
Within days, friends and good samaritans from all over the city and surrounding areas came by to help. Project Rescue was in full force.
Like modern-day heroes, a volunteer Vac Truck crew caped in blue, showed up (to help Bryan and Patti, among many other fortunate families in the city) – all the way from Saskatchewan:
Even kids came by to help in any way they could.
Baby S wasn’t about to be left out of the volunteer circuit, so with all the strength her little 2 year old self could muster, she rolled up her sleeves and gave a helping hand.
With sweat, tears, late nights, and a whole lotta beer, Project Rescue was completed. All of the selfless efforts of friends and good samaritans had certainly paid off, ten-fold.
I share this story with you, as it was one that has greatly influenced my view of mankind. If such kindness and camaraderie can get even me, the most talkative human on the planet, to be virtually speechless – then it must be something great. I was overwhelmed by the acts of support and selflessness I caught wind of (again, thanks to Facebook and instantaneous status updates) from strangers and friends alike – all offering to help families like my friends Patti and Bryan. Out of such devastation, comes an immense amount of generosity and unity. See more of these everyday heroes on the local news. You can spot a very hopeful Bryan at 1:00:50 seconds into the video.
And here is a very hopeful, and grateful couple, overwhelmed by the kind acts of friends and strangers (now friends). I couldn’t think of a more deserving family to receive such love and support.
We too, can help, as relief efforts are said to take months, if not years. Through the Canadian Red Cross, we can donate to our friends in Alberta and bring this province back to where it once was. There are many families like Bryan and Patti who may not have been as fortunate to receive such support.
In the meantime – as they say – the show must go on. Once again, I am absolutely blown away by how the spirit of the Annual Calgary Stampede has gone from this…

photo credit: Thehockeywriters.com

photo credit: CBC.ca
to this…

photo credit: CTV News.ca
Support and prayers for this beautiful province of Alberta, where even the deadliest of weather conditions cannot break the spirit of the people it contains. I am proud to be from a city that is filled with compassion, optimism, and unity! I am proud to call Calgary, home.
Go, Calgary!! And save a plate of that delicious good ol’ fashioned Stampede Breakfast for me, please!
And err… since this is indeed a fashion site dedicated to baby fashion… I say we take a moment and reflect on how fabulous Baby S’ Red Cowboy boots are! And kudos to our stylin’ Baby L in coordinating plaid with dad! Let’s give our little Cowgirl and BabyCowboy (would that make him a calf-boy?) and their equally fashion-forward family of four a hearty, Calgarian, “YEEEEEEHAWWW!”
Stylishly yours,
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