Is it obvious that I haven’t really been around much lately? Other than our weekly 5Faves post, I have pretty much been MIA from the blogging circuit. I have about a million reasons why I take an annual summer break from blogging, but it still doesn’t put the brakes on the guilt that follows closely behind. However, with every progressive summer I choose to enjoy a short and sunny hiatus, I become more and more confident that it’s a good idea for me.
Here are 5 of my absolute fave and top reasons why I take a summer break from blogging…
We travel. A lot. But the summer is filled with a zillion opportunities to explore life off the island. So like everything else, we jump at the chance. I also pick up fun stylist opportunities for kid’s fashion events and photo shoots and attend shows, conferences, and exhibits – which essentially is the reason why I got into blogging in the first place. Tucked away safely behind my computer screen, I have almost forgotten the fashion and trend aspect of my job. So the summer is the perfect time to take a break from the world wide web, and spend more time exploring the big wide world.
2:: WHY I TAKE A SUMMER BREAK FROM BLOGGING – To Redefine Mine and My Blog’s Brand and Purpose
They always say, change is good – so revisiting my original mission statement annually and working on making changes (of course, under a palm tree while sipping a perfectly hallowed out coconut) sounds like a pretty fabulous plan to me. Of course, I know that the inspiration behind the blog is never-changing, but the direction my blog takes, the new paths I open up for myself, and a mild facelift here and there, can only do good for my brand. This is when I think about overall themes, new opportunities, touching up aesthetics, and implementing some of the inspiration I’ve picked up along the way.
3:: WHY I TAKE A SUMMER BREAK FROM BLOGGING – To Take a Break from Social Media
Is it just me, or is keeping up with the rules of social media, a ton of pressure? Yes, we all know that social media is an incredibly powerful tool when used wisely. But like anything else, distance from something that requires my daily, and often times, my hourly attention, is always a good call. No – I’m not talking about my darling Little Mama (though, mamas need breaks too, stand by for a later post on that…) – I’m talking about the constant need to update my status on each of my social platforms. If I’m not snapping, I’m tweeting, liking, commenting, reacting, interacting, sharing, blocking, and I won’t deny… editing. All of which takes time, energy, and heart. And my heart just wants to unplug for a few hours. I’m not completely off the circuit, but I have definitely eased up on my rigid schedule that I normally put myself on 80% of the year.
Earlier today, I engaged in a little social media, while Little Mama played. Eventually, she found her way to the iPad that is normally placed strategically out of her reach. Not bragging here, but this monkey is pretty much IT pro status when it comes to any and all of my apple products – so within milliseconds, it was up and running. From past experience, our little one tends to acquire a dependency and dare I say, attitude, whenever any of our smart devices finds its way into her teeny weeny hands. We like to call it tech-a-tude. It is truly like pulling teeth to end the tech device saga, so we would much rather end it before it actually begins. Our past experience of a tech-related-tantrum was enough to stop me from what I was doing on my smartphone, give Big Daddy a knowing look, and get us all the heck out of our tech-crazed household. It was a cooler day than most summer days, so we decided to take a nice hike as a family to the summit overlooking the city, followed by some tom foolery at the beach. Wouldn’t you know, after a wonderful time spent with nature and one another, Little Mama worked up a healthy appetite, ate lunch and dinner like a champ, and slept quite literally, like a baby. It is SO essential that all of us, both young and old (ish), get out and be active. This is only one day… imagine 2 solid months of it!
5:: WHY I TAKE A SUMMER BREAK FROM BLOGGING – I’m Always Up for Learning
Are you one of those people who get their most amazing ideas while driving in their car or hanging upside down from the monkey bars? Yup – that’s me. When I’m away from the screen, and the phone is either dead or accidentally misplaced (because god forbid I ever INTENTIONALLY leave it anywhere 2 cm away from my body), that is when I engage in conversation, bounce ideas off other entrepreneurs, research other success stories, and be all-around inspired. I’m not saying those things don’t happen while I’m actually working on my blog, but it hits me exponentially when I am out and about. This is when I jump at opportunities to attend workshops, meet-and-greets, go to the library and read books – all going towards the end goal… of improving my blog. Learning never stops.
The few times when I actually turn on my computer, instead of logging on like I usually do – I immediately find my way to other knowledgeable online friends and seek their advice on how to reach my full potential. Melyssa Griffin has been instrumental in getting my blog off to a good start, and her guidance continues to help me thrive in my online business. So much to learn – so little time… So why not commit a summer’s worth of learning?
photo credit: The Koala Mom
BONUS FAVE :: WHY I TAKE A SUMMER BREAK FROM BLOGGING – For The Reason Why I’m Blogging in the First Place
Whether it’s spending one-on-one time with my little girl, bringing her to playdates, dining together, laughing together, and just making the most of our time together – I choose to take a summer break from blogging precisely because of this happy monkey.
The very reason why this blog even exists.
In a couple days, my once little peanut who only moments ago took her first steps (okay, 4.5 years ago… but still), is going to take her first steps into Kindergarten. I am dreading it. Like, tummy-pain-watery-eyes type of dread. But do you know one thing I will never regret? Spending the absolute maximum amount of time of Little Mama‘s waking hours celebrating every second I have left with her before she attends full-day school. I am soaking up her every nuance: Her infectious smile, her sweet laugh, her non-stop storytelling, her love of exploration, even the tough stuff like her picky eating, her picky dressing, and the fact that I have to repeat myself a zillion times to get my message across. Every little ism, I am soaking in.
And as Little Mama begins her first week of school in a few days, I look back at the last 2 months and I am reminded that I have absolutely no regrets. Sure, my blog and social platforms haven’t been given as much love as it needs, sure, I had to put work aside which is definitely challenging on the pockets, and sure, there is always a risk of losing momentum. But I will be able to know in my heart that I did all I could to maximize my time with my only living child before she spends a big portion of her day away from me. The best part is, now that she will be going to school full time, I can now focus full time on what I need to do for my business.
Whether a break is 2 months, 2 days, or 2 hours, it is so clear to me that any break from the things you love, like your blog and otherwise, is a good thing. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a win-win, at least for me.
And of course, my mini business partner in crime…
And speaking of precious moments, don’t forget to visit our fabulous co-host of #5faves at The Koala Mom for her list of 5 favorite back to school gifts from Precious Moments! We would love to hear some of YOUR five favorite things too. Link up below!
We all need a break sometimes,
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