A rainbow baby shower? Am I even allowed to have another shower?
That is the very question I asked my two dear friends, Jenn and Sheena, when they made the executive decision to throw me one, despite my hesitation. From the get go, I was never really keen on having a celebration prior to my Little Dude coming into this world. If you were to ask me what I was thinking at the time, I would say – I let the nerves and my pride get the best of me. Did I think it was too ambitious to assume all would work out well, considering I’ve had 5 years of back to back second trimester losses and even more first trimester miscarriages? Yup. Did I think it was obnoxious since it was my second shower, and google told me that a second shower isn’t necessary, or even… appropriate? Yes sir (Because, well… google). Was I thinking that a meet and greet after we have our little rainbow baby much more feasible due to all the reasons listed above? You got that right.
Well – whatever my reasons were, they apparently did not take precedence when it came to my ladies, because they were quite adamant about throwing me a party. I mean, who am I to say “no” to the very woman who helped get me pregnant in the first place? 🙂 (Don’t mess with the donor, she’s a lot more resilient than most humans I know, believe me!)
All kidding aside – I was really quite moved by their intentions. They witnessed firsthand, mine and George’s hardship for the last 5 years (and I, theirs…), and all they wanted was to celebrate the joy and miracle that was to come in June. They wanted to throw me a rainbow baby shower, to celebrate the rainbow miracle that came after the turbulent storm. And they wanted to celebrate it in the best way they knew how. With rainbow colors throughout – including a gigantic extravaganza of rainbow balloon delight, food – omg so much food, a packed house (no rainbow baby shower games folks – just mingling and partying thank you very much), and of course, bubbly for the ladies (none for the celebrant, of course).
And throw me a rainbow baby shower, they did.
What blew me away was Jenn’s creations. On the wall were these UNBELIEVABLE paper flowers that added the perfect final touch to the spring filled rainbow theme. Please do check out and support her artistry and creativity over at Teal Turtles Craft Works, because… WOW.
And then, came the food. Because a girl’s gotta eat, right?
Just when I thought the eats were over the top, even sweeter, were the stations they set up to ensure my lovely ladies were able to leave me sweet notes and tributes for my keepsake (because we all know, I’m all about little love notes.
I love the personal touch of the thumb prints of all my girls in attendance. I’ll be placing this proudly in my Little Man’s nursery, and everytime I go in there, I will be reminded of the love we were showered with at this very moment.
One thing I loved the most about my rainbow baby shower was that I was surrounded by kids. I live for kids. The hosts recommended that the kids spend some quality time with their daddies elsewhere, while the mommies enjoyed a much deserved kid-free afternoon with equally as much deserved alcohol. (My friends aren’t much into dry showers, ya know…). But some mamas didn’t have much of a choice, so they brought their kidlets. I was so happy the space was filled with laughter, dancing, and running around – because this is why I was inspired to grow my family in the first place. Kids are awesome.
I mean, look at these ridiculously adorable, tiny humans??
Sheena and Jenn even set up a diaper decorating station for the little ones to draw fun illustrations and leave little love notes for the night nappy changes when I need a good laugh. As far as I’m concerned, personal touches fixes everything. Even a night of interrupted sleep and stinky diapers.
Then there were the gifts. It was like Christmas in Spring! I was insanely moved, and mildly embarrassed, at how spoiled I was. Check out these unreal diaper cakes from Meaghan, Leslie, Jenn, and Sheena.
And as one can plainly see, every single generous gift I unwrapped was greeted with a rainbow of colorful reactions, because who doesn’t freak out over newborn booties and rabbit tail butts? I was so blown away by everything we received from blankets to invisible bandaids to help with overwashed hands, sound machines, insanely adorable outfits, a GORGEOUS sign for my Little Man‘s nursery (check her awesomeness out at Social House Designs), and diapers! Oh my goodness, the plethora of diapers!!
This special gift was especially moving as it was all encompassing of our little rainbow baby, and why we’re here in the first place. Thank you to my dear Elana who also knows of rainbows and loss all too well.
Of course, in return, my lovely hostesses with the mostesses thanked our amazing ladies with rainbow themed goodie bags to take home, packed with an array of rainbow colored jellybeans. The perfect sweet treat for my sweetest gals.
Even the fam jam was feeling all the love.
I know – pretty shocking to see the dad and the sibling at our mamas-only (ish) rainbow baby shower. Nevertheless, Jenn and Sheena wouldn’t have it any other way. All were welcome.
But the most shocking of all, was when two of my closest friends from Los Angeles were in cahoots with my friends here on the island, to surprise the BLEEP outta the pregnant lady, enough to send her right into labor. The reunion after a long drought of a few years was pretty darn emotional.
Aren’t these two Cali girls a sight for sore eyes?
How appropriate to have a rainbow baby shower, as there wasn’t a dry eye in the place. Mine especially.
Lots and lots of tears. I mean… I may or may not have caused a flood in Jenn’s living room.
Trina was getting me back from when I surprised her only a few years ago during her rainbow baby shower. And she got me in spades. Not much has changed between these two insanely sentimental mamas.
It meant so much to me to witness firsthand the beauty of my two worlds colliding – my old life in California with my new life on the island. Multiple sets of friendships from all walks of life and loving on one another like we were all one big happy family. Speaking of family, this was my mom’s first time meeting the woman that helped me have her much anticipated youngest grandson in the first place. That was an introduction that meant the world (and more) to me.
I was surrounded by so much love that day, and I will never forget it. Look at my beautiful friends! I made sure I told these ladies how much their place in my life impacted our family, and brought me to where I am today. From being the ongoing warm shoulder to cry on, an ear to complain to, a brain to pick. From babysitting Little Mama, to pick ups, and drop offs, during my 8 million medical appointments and procedures. To dragging me to their gym to get me as healthy as possible in preparation for pregnancy – thanks, my sweet Kristie for kicking my buns into shape, quite literally. To endless prayer and words of encouragement. To my very special family of Loss Mamas who know of our pain and share their most intimate moments of pain with us, so we never felt alone. To George’s support network who watched him bravely go through 5 years of pain and held his hand throughout – even though he kept his emotions under wraps (but they knew better, right Kirsty, and Alison?). To the laughs, to the hot cups of tea, to the hand me downs to get baby all set up, to the warm homemade cookies (yummm, Sarah!), bath salts, and freshly picked flowers left at our doorstep when we needed it the most. Oh my ladies… How blessed am I to have you in my life.
And at the end of the day – I will always be extra blessed to know that because of one very special friendship, I now have a reason to celebrate my rainbow baby in the first place.
So. Much. Love.
My second-time or more pregnant friends, if you’re ever wondering what you should do if your friends offer to throw you a second or third or even a fourth baby shower – especially a rainbow baby shower, please… for the love of baby – let them! Celebrate that tiny miracle. Your baby, and YOU deserve it.
Soak it all in mama,
Pssst…. in case you don’t already know (don’t worry, I didn’t either until I experienced it myself) – a rainbow baby is the baby that follows pregnancy loss.
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