One on one time with my toddler while homeschooling my 9 year old, has been near impossible these last couple months. In the summer it was easy to bring both of them out, keep both of them in, play with both of them on the beach (or in my case, read my book happily while the two of them played with each other). Sigh… those were the good ol’ days.
But the school year is different. Although it is more structured (ish) for my daughter, time with my son hasn’t been as intentionally allocated.
That is, until I figured out what to do. I found his “happy place”, left the house with him and let him run with it. Literally.
Riding his balance bike has always been pure bliss for my little guy. He just loves the feeling of the gentle breeze blowing through the tiny curls peeking under his helmet while soaring through the safe little pockets along the lagoon near daddy’s work.
[Sidenote: He is only not wearing his helmet here, as we were merely setting him up. This was just his “warm up” GQ Mini pose. Otherwise, all bets are off and helmets are on once he actually bikes around the grounds.]
Ahhh… that’s better.
As I was saying, homeschooling with my little mama, who, as a relatively reluctant learner – needs me to accompany her as she goes through her curriculum. This leaves my 2 year old constantly vying for my attention throughout the day. I set up stations, even a desk that emulates his sister’s desk, but in his size and style. But even the “cool stuff” has an expiry.
What he needs is mommy time. Outside. Pronto.
And go figure… Mama needs some outside time too! I find that by being more intentional with my daily vitamin D intake of sunshine and fresh air:
I am a more patient mom and teacher.
I am happier.
I am healthier.
Who would have thought that my very communicative, and often very clingy toddler would find the perfect solution to ensure we both get some one on one time.
It starts with the one thing that empowers and excites him. His beloved MINI – 2-in-1 Balance Bike from Coco Village.
Isn’t she a beauty?
It isn’t about him learning how to ride or graduate quickly to a two wheeler (which is a wonderful plus that this bike conveniently offers with its convertible capabilities… Thank you Coco Village!) – he’s got his whole life to learn. At this point, we just want him to stroll around confidently, as he soaks in the gorgeous view of the stunning castle and gardens in his periphery. (Sidenote: Yes, Daddy is super cool and works “at” the castle).
Being more intentional with spending one on one time with my toddler has been our homeschool family’s saving grace. We continue to do our daily walks together as a family, play together, jump on the trampoline, run errands – those things are still happening in full force. But slowing down and focusing on one child at a time has been so good for me as a mom meanwhile, filling my tiniest man’s often neglected (equally tiny) cup. Every so often, he just wants to know that Big Sister‘s school work doesn’t necessarily take more precedence over his need for connection and attention. He deserves to see that his learning is valued in the same way. As for me, I am able to breathe knowing I have spread my love and attention in an effective, practical, and intimate way.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, my student (under the casual supervision of work-at-home daddy), is enjoying her earned online hour with “her girls” as they pow wow over a virtual recess lunch. A very feasible way we’ve made it work, so that I am able to take a stroll outside with my little “Cycling Mcqueen” as he shows off some of his rad moves.
One on one time with my toddler has made our work flow more efficient as well. As we fill his bucket with exercise outdoors, while having mommy all to himself – he is more than happy to play independently for the remainder of our school-at-home day while Little Mama and I tackle some one on one brain exercise of our own! Bonus: If we let him expend some of that toddler energy – you know he’s on for a good nap session in the afternoon!
Smiles all around!
Homeschool mamas… if you can swing it, get outside and spend some one on one time with your “other” kiddos. Even if it means a few minutes here and there on the patio during break time, or a quick ride around the block while your homeschool kiddo hangs out with your work at home spouse, or a trusted neighbour. When you’re intentional with spreading some of that mama love around, you might actually get some of that love in return!
Where there’s a plan, there’s an “I can”, (ooh my corny factor is in full effect today… must be all that Vitamin D!)
Looks like he’s having fun haha