It’s about that time of year when the In-house Fashionista and I, along with our partners-in-crime, Big Daddy and Unky Brian (aka: In-house Part-time Baby Wranglers) take a sneak peek into the coming season’s styles and trends. This season, we were invited to check out the CMC’s LA Fashion Market Kids on 6th Showrooms for Fall II/Holiday 2012, and haute diggity dog – do we have some new looks to share with you (standby…)! LD was thrilled to be attending the market and dressed accordingly. Says our Mini-Fashionista, backed up by her buddies at the CMC, “Feathers are definitely back in black“… and so is LD:

LD (sporting Chacha Coutures Rosette and Haute Stuff Foil Leggings), with her Unky Brian CMC LA Fashion Market Fall II/Holiday 2012
Although our work ethic is second to none, we made sure we fit in a little playtime in between business. You know us… we work hard, AND we play hard. While we were there, we enjoyed Manicures from Hair Etcetera:
a complimentary blowout at Twist by Oliver Ifergan:
Organic Wine Tasting at Frey Wine Bar, and while I had only a sip, the boys took it upon themselves to crash the Patrón booth for complimentary Patrón Tequila cocktails:
After a lesson in mixology, the boys and I enjoyed a quick photo shoot with the Patron Social Club.
We even ended up on their main web page:

Big Daddy and Mama's look: Like we actually got uninterrupted sleep the night before. (Thank goodness for photo editing capabilities...)
LD was far too distracted enjoying the attention of all the Buyers and Showroom Reps oohing and ahhing over her Fashion-isms, she was much more interested getting shots from passer-bys on their iPhones.

Photographers and press couldn't get enough of the L'il Diva in her Flapper gear and Vintage Black rosette Feather accessory by ChaCha Coutures
We also enjoyed hors d’oeuvres from Trader Vic’s:
And stylin’ beats by DJ Mahli at the Opening Night Reception:
The Fashion Show presentation featured a handful of collections ranging from mystical bohemian chic, to vintage-inspired, to affordable luxury and contemporary everyday wear, highlighting Designers Miilla, Chaudry, Mystree, Monoreno, and Darling.
As the Fashion Show featured women’s clothing only, do you think this minor detail affected LD in any way? Not in the least! LD was more than thrilled to show off her new kiddie threads in the front row. Like the politician she is, she spent most of her time waving to her fans and doing rounds of high fives, rather than researching upcoming trends for her fellow Baby fashionistas.
However, no need to fret my friends – I stayed the course and did what I intended to do… Get the scoop on what’s coming up for Fall II/Holiday 2012!
Although my focus is to check out the Baby Trends for Fall/Winter 2012, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to take some notes on women’s fashion. I mean… Mama’s gotta look good too, right?
My wardrobe is definitely ready for a good thread-lift, so I was pleased to find that the new looks for the coming Fall/Winter season prove to be a drastic shift from years past, with its influence ranging from Culture (a mash of Chinese, Indian, and African) to ultra feminine and luxurious, to a more androgynous look. I guess it’s safe to say – peg leg trousers, which isn’t too far from MC Hammer pants circa ’89, is making quite the comeback – and I am ready to resurrect my rounded shoulder tunics, oversized coats, and mixed prints which is now taking over the runway, and hopefully soon, my closet. My thoughts? This coming season, throw all caution to the wind, because from what we’ve seen – anything goes! Here’s a peek at the Darling collection’s Nadine Dress, which brings to light a feminine quality with its distinct flat collar style, modest neckline, sheer dotted print top, and flirty pleats – definitely in line with Darling‘s emphasis on quality and edge.
Miilla introduces a broad range of contemporary pieces like their Sheer Print Batwing Tunic (as many of my readers know, LD and I go bonkers for Tunics), Draped Wide Neck Box Tee, Sheer Front Pocket Tunic with Back Yoke Cut-Out, and the Dolman Sleeve Croppe Jacket with Faux Leather Contrast.
Speaking of Faux: from Yummy Mummy to Itty Bitty Baby – Faux Furs, Faux Cashmere, Faux Leather, faux… anything – is back in style this Fall and Winter season! Stay tuned for more, as we take a trip down Baby Runway… coming up next!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch… our little Fashionista is all Fashion’ed out…
Stylishly yours,
LD proudly flaunts: ChaCha Coutures Posh Black Rosette Feather Satin Pearl Rose Accessory, Black and Gold Foil Leggings by Haute Stuff, Old Navy Multi-layered Black Tutu Skirt with Satin Waist, and of course her beloved Born to Love Fedora.