At the risk of sounding cliche, nobody is perfect. But, I can say with no hesitation that my husband is in fact, beyond perfect. My husband is perfect for me, that is.
And for Little Mama…
I’m not just saying this because it was our 7 year anniversary yesterday. Okay, maybe that has something to do with it…
Here are the 5 reasons why my husband is perfect for me…
Although I am a solid year older than the hubs (cradle robbing much?), we were both just babies when we first met. Seventeen years later, I still think we have a lot of growing up to do. To be fair, we only feel this way because we have a little someone completely dependant on us. However, if it were just us – we would gladly continue being kids forever.
By calling Big Daddy, a big kid, I don’t actually mean he’s immature or lacks sophistication. Quite the opposite actually. His sophistication and overall sense of responsibility, is quite overwhelming at times. But aside from his brilliant moments of adulting, he’s just an oversized, deep-voiced, incredibly well-dressed, BIG. KID.
He geeks out on comic books, he laughs until he cries at slapstick comedies, he jumps up and down when I make his favourite thing for dinner, he pouts when I don’t give him enough attention, and he has the purest heart. His positive outlook on life and his resistance to negativity is refreshing.
2:: WHY MY HUSBAND IS PERFECT FOR ME – He Is Incredibly Kind
Let us revisit my opening thought above. He is far from perfect. WE are far from perfect. Yes, he needs work in the patience department (refer to reason number 1… Frequent outbursts of complain-itis rears its ugly head when he is forced wait for me to finish running my all-day errands, aka: BIG KID), but on most days – he is by far, one of the most kindest people I have ever known.
I am especially blown away by his incredible support for his family and close friends. Particularly, his profound respect for the older and wiser,
and his undeniable advocacy for children.
He is loving to those around him, and even at the worst of times, he doesn’t turn his back on someone who needs him. This quality is hard to find, and it was the definitely the one that stood out above the rest.
3:: WHY MY HUSBAND IS PERFECT FOR ME – He’s Humble, But Gosh Darn It, He Sure Looks Good
Okay – we all know, once the greys come out and the wrinkles set in, looks fade, and all that is left standing essentially, is what’s on the inside (yikes… what’s up with this post, and the overuse of cliches?). But let’s be real – the first thing that stood out to me with Big Daddy was his warm smile, and his great hair.
And he sure knows how to put an outfit together.
Hmmm… I wonder who Little Mama got her innate fashion sensibilities from?
But what really makes him super cool – isn’t merely his extraordinary ability to match his slim fit chinos with the perfect wing tips, all without a single hair out of place. What makes him extraordinary, is the fact that he has absolutely no idea how great he looks. He can barely handle a compliment, and if it were up to him, he would avoid the spotlight at all times. He has great taste in clothing, and sure, he takes full advantage of the hour in the morning to prepare for the day, but vain, he is not.
As a busy mom with barely enough time to throw on lipstick and matching shoes, the last thing I feel is beautiful. But never has he questioned why I’m almost always a raging mess. In fact, he tells me almost daily how beautiful I am in his eyes. And just like that, he takes that spotlight off him, and throws it right back on to me.
4:: WHY MY HUSBAND IS PERFECT FOR ME – He’s Adventurous, But Grounded
This area was always a work in progress for us. We were college sweethearts and saw each other through school debt. I have seen him panic with only pennies his pocket as a student, and he has carried over that innate ability to keep things real, from a financial standpoint. I have grandiose dreams of family travel, home improvement, life improvement, and chasing rainbows. He supports and enlightens my creative ideas, but he gently brings me back to reality. When my own judgement is clouded with my million-and-one ideas, he is the perfect balance for me. He doesn’t dampen my spirit, however. On the contrary – he supports my ideas, but always tells me that the process in getting where I want to go, takes time, focus, and energy. He helps me zero in on that focus, and holds my hand as I organize and plan accordingly.
Don’t be fooled by his practical nature – this guy knows how to have fun.
Jumping on a plane and heading to goodness-knows-where on a surprise trip? Yeah… he’s up for that. As long as I packed his headphones, sketchpad, and his choice of comics – he’s game.
… Leading me to the next item on my list…
5:: WHY MY HUSBAND IS PERFECT FOR ME – Who Needs an Instagram Husband When You Can Have a Selfie Master?
We have been doing selfies since the late 90’s. We had no idea selfies were even a thing. We just thought it was convenient. Here are only a handful of said selfies. Considering we were a far cry from selfie pro status, I’d say we got this selfie thing down pat, don’t you think?
I have been in relationships and friendships where keeping up with the facades became the expectation. Now that I am a teeny bit older and tiny bit wiser, I have decided that life is much too short to get caught up in the fiction of life.
I am thrilled that I’m in a marriage where my daughter sees her mother being exactly who she’s meant to be, lovingly accompanied (and accepted wholeheartedly) by a supportive father. He’s my biggest cheerleader (and I, his). She has a wonderful opportunity to witness a partnership. No, things aren’t always seamless – far from it. But even during the most challenging of times, I know he’s 100% present for me. He is on my team. He gets me. And I get him.
How lucky are we to have landed a husband and father that will spend Saturday mornings sharing an obnoxiously gigantic bowl of cereal while giggling with his daughter over old school cartoons. Meanwhile, on Monday nights, he’s yelling at the tv while enjoying a 2 hour Bachelor episode with his Bachelor-obsessed wife. He loves to see us happy. And he will do just about anything to be a part of our happy-making.
Little Mama is not just his mini-me. She’s his world – And as luck would have it, so am I. Today, we celebrate this funny thing called love.
And speaking of love and all things beautiful, don’t forget to visit our fabulous co-host of #5faves at The Koala Mom for her list of beaches on Vancouver Island. We would love to hear some of YOUR five favorite things too. Give us your #5Faves in the comments below!
Happy Anniversary to the perfect man… for me!
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