Everyone dreams about being a twin, having a set of twins, or finding a long-lost twin roaming around on the other side of the world. I’m still convinced there is a taller, more relaxed (low-strung, if you will) version of me. Big Daddy er… the world would be so… umm… lucky.
Well – this stylin’ duo need not dream. They live it.
Meet the “Twinsies”.
Annie Marie is the oldest of the twins with deeper features. Christina Monroe is only moments younger, with lighter features. Annie prides herself in being the more ‘reserved’ of the two, while Christina is known to be somewhat of a giggling machine. These identical twins are complete opposites, but make no mistake – they are a complete set.
Let’s find out a little more about our little Twinsies:
Hometown: Vegas, Baby!
Their Style: They love fashion, but are most comfortable in their onesies (a complete shock, based on their short history of fabulous ensembles, but who can blame them? Sources have reported the twins’ take on the whole style thing – “What’s fashion, if you aren’t comfy?”)
Favorite character of all time: M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E and Doc Mcstuffins (a highly recommended health care provider for their stuffies)
Favorite song that works like a charm: “Iconic” – Mommy and daddy have been known to be rocking out this tune on their iPhone strictly for the twinsies‘ entertainment. And when the twinsies are especially inspired – you can sometimes catch them breaking out a couple dance moves here and there.
What makes them laugh: When they steal each other’s pacifiers, and chase each other around the house (It’s actually quite hilarious if you envision the whole fiasco of pacifier thievery).
Independent or attached to mommy’s/daddy’s hip: They are both very independent
The most amazing thing they’ve done to date: When Christina Monroe took her first steps, Annie was so proud of her twin sis, she sat back, and gave her a round of applause.
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P.S. A big STYLIN’ thank you to mama @Mcmillantwinsnmom for sharing the tiny twinsies’ fab photos! Be sure to INSTA-follow!
Your baby got style? If so, send us a pic at MY BABY GOT STYLE for a chance to be featured.
I can’t handle it. They are adorbs!!!
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