At the tender age of almost three, LD has a good amount of friends. But one that really leaves quite the impression with LD after every ‘play’ date – is this dapper little dude…
Meet Mr. Beau Tie.
Before I am at the receiving end of the inevitable and much anticipated… your-spelling-is-horrific attacks – please allow me to explain why we named this sweet stylin’ young man the way we did.
Let’s look at the word BEAU for a minute, shall we?

What he considers home: The Great White North
His Age: 2.5 years
His Style: English Professor
Favorite character of all time: Thomas – but ONLY because he’s a British steam train
Favorite song that works like a charm: “What Do you Do with a Drunken Sailor” – Great Big Sea Version
What makes him laugh: Good ol’ fashioned tickling <He even asks for it>
Independent or attached to mommy’s/daddy’s hip: He usually runs the opposite direction. <Let’s just say, hips have no business being attached to this little lightening bolt>
Mama’s Boy or Daddy’s Bud: A little bit of both, but more of a mama’s boy because dad is at sea half the year
What he is learning to do right now: Changing his own diaper <uh oh…>
The most amazing thing he’s done in the last 24 hours: “Yummy! More!” <Hey, he’s a picky eater – it’s the small things…>
So don’t play hard-to-get! Let’s give little Mr. Beau Tie some love and be sure to likey likey below!
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