Many of my friends and readers may not know this, but I am a mother of 3 children.
By now you may be quite familiar with my firstborn, LD – our 2 year old monkey who has managed to take over babystylista in its entirety, with her unique sense of sass er, I mean… style and character. Her existence in our lives inspire us every second of the day.
But like I said… I am a mother of 3 children.
Today, January 30th, is a very important day for our family. A year ago today, January 30th, 2013, I lost my second child, Victoria, halfway into my pregnancy, in the second trimester. We had such a false sense of hope with the pregnancy so far along, you can imagine the utter disappointment (and despair) we experienced losing her. More on our precious little Tory can be read here.
By no coincidence… today, January 30th, 2014 also marks yet another significant moment in our lives. It would have been the due date of my third child – my son, William, who was delivered in the second trimester, and also did not survive. This time, I was very much connected to the baby and his ongoing development. Unlike my pregnancy with Tory, I knew very early on that I was pregnant. Every appointment brought great news of normal progress. But one dreadful day this past fall, I started to bleed. It was days of emergency room visits and calls to the doctor – all confirming that the baby was fine. We even saw his strong heartbeat. But then the bleeding stopped, and the cramping began. Within moments, I felt like my water broke and I knew that something was terribly wrong. I was quickly rushed to the hospital – where I had actually delivered my son. He was alive for only a few moments when I held him in my arms. As tiny as he was, I could see his eyes, his ears, his little nose, arms, legs and teeny tiny toes. I was given this opportunity – as painful as it was… to tell my baby that mommy loved him.
That day forever changed me. I am no longer the same person I was before I lost my son. Losing him, allowed me not only to grieve for my child whom I had a physical and tangible experience with – but to finally grieve my daughter, Tory, after spending months in the early part of the year focusing on how to “move on”. It was a double whammy for me, having lost two precious babies in utero only months apart from one another. I kept hearing over and over (I even caught myself saying it to myself, thinking it would soften the blow somehow…), “God only gives you what you can handle“, but I’m not so sure we were equipped to handle any of this. Even now, in retrospect – I have no idea how I could have possibly recovered from such a traumatic moment. However, after some time, support, and a LOT of prayer – I can actually look at it now – as a double blessing. They are now in paradise with one another, side by side – preparing a place for their family – their mommy and daddy, their sister, their grandparents, and all of their family here on earth. Because of my two babies whom I unfortunately, never had the opportunity to watch grow, stumble, succeed, and smile – I am here with you sharing my story – in hopes that I can help even one person get through a similar experience of such tragic loss: to touch even one life with the hope that happiness and joy is just around the corner.
And joy indeed, was just around the corner. One floor above, to be exact.
An amazing turn of events really gave me the conviction I needed to accept the loss of my son. A newfound friend of mine gave birth the floor above me at almost the exact time I was losing William. She was not aware I was in the hospital at the time, nor did she even have an inkling of my pregnancy. When I was able to shut off my sorrow for 30 seconds, I texted her to see how her pregnancy was coming along. She told me that she had in fact, given birth, and to my astonishment – on the same day and around the same time that I lost William… and without any knowledge of what we had named the son I had just lost, she told me that she named hers… William.
This little baby, who is now a few months old, holds in the palm of his tiny little hands, the heart of a mother who had just lost her little one. When I held him for the first time – an overwhelming sense of peace took over my entire jaded being. His eyes were the windows through which I caught glimpses of my own son, and I thanked him for being that living representation of what could have been. One would assume that this moment would have been a difficult one for me – but such was not the case. It was just what I needed to understand the complexities of God’s ultimate plan for me and my family. There IS hope – I just have to remain faithful.
2013 was a year of loss for our family, but we are now looking forward to a new year – focusing our energy (mainly of love and laughter) on the little monkey that we are blessed to have in our daily lives. Once I was able to forgive myself, and to stop blaming myself for what happened during both of my pregnancies (by the way – I have undergone a million tests and both my miscarriage and stillbirth remains a mystery), I was able to accept what happened and eventually move forward. Not surprisingly, there are moments, even now, where I continue to struggle with this “lack of understanding” trying to figure out what I could have done differently. I am often misled in thinking that if I understand it, then I can finally accept it. So I am constantly looking for answers. But during those moments of desperation, I quickly remind myself that sometimes just simple acceptance, no matter what the circumstance, often happens in the absence of answers.
Part of our healing can be attributed to our decision in naming both our children, and acknowledging their presence and existence in our lives. We had little William cremated and held a prayer service for him, and it was especially moving to see LD feel (and quite possibly, comprehend) so much at such a young age.
The wonderful staff at the Burial park gave us Spirit Houses to be placed in their memorial garden at the highest point of the cemetery – to commemorate little ones lost before birth, at birth, or shortly after.
We also attended a beautiful vigil dedicated to the unborn. We lit candles in their honor. It was one of the most touching moments we have ever experienced together as a family.
I continue on this journey of healing – overcoming the hurdles of doubt, and sorrow, and at times, anger and bitterness. Slowly but surely – joy is replacing the grief, as I do what is best advised to me by loved ones: to allow myself to grieve the loss of my children, but not to forget to be grateful for the opportunity to be their mother and to look forward to the day I will see them again.
Our family looks forward to the day we are greeted at the pearly gates by three very special individuals who have forever left their mark in our lives. Their lives short, their existence profound.
Happy January 30th my darling babies (Our pug, Kevin, that goes for you too…). Until we meet again.
In the meantime I shall relish in the joy of my firstborn. She is my heart.
And in my heart… I AM the mother of 3 children.
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A special thank you to Big Daddy ( who once again, illustrated the most flawless interpretation of how we visualize our babies at this very moment. I may not know much – but I do know in my heart of hearts, that our babies are together, happy as can be. I am certain little William is blissfully causing a world of ruckus, while Tory diligently shows her little brother the ropes. All while Kevin‘s tail is wagging a million miles a minute hoping as always, for scraps to fall.
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babystylista recently posted…The Little Black Swan {Wordless Wednesday} {Linky}
I experienced my own loss early in my first pregnancy. I can imagine how hard this must be for you. Sending love and peace your way.
Kristen Bobbitt recently posted…My Bucket List — What’s On Yours?
babystylista recently posted…The Little Black Swan {Wordless Wednesday} {Linky}
I'm always reminded of Romans 8:28 — And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
babystylista recently posted…The Little Black Swan {Wordless Wednesday} {Linky}
Yes, you are the mother of three children. I think it’s wonderful what you are doing to celebrate all your children’s lives.
Not a day goes by where my son’s name, Alexander is not spoken. His life mattered and I want his sibilings to know that.
No one knows what it’s like to walk a moment in our shoes. Not that you’d want them to. For me, I find comfort in knowing that someone else understands. Even though it means that they too must have lost a child.
If you ever want to talk, I am here to cry, listen, vent or share my story.
“The life and death of each of us has an influence on others ROM 4:17”.
Besos, Sarah
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Thank you for sharing your heart & your story,
PS- could your daughter be ANY CUTER?!
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I’m so sorry for the loss of your children, but thank you for sharing your experience. I, myself, have not gone through something like this but knowing that there are means of support for those that have is so important.
Thank you for sharing your story.
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I am glad that you are coming to terms with your loss and are loving your babies who are on the other side. I know they wait for you and will be part of your family again. Take strength in that and love the little one that you have.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
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