There’s nothing more adorable than a couple of deelish daddies strolling along on a Sunday afternoon, with a baby (or 2) in tow. Especially on Father’s day.
What’s even more adorable is a daddy’s willingness to sport hot pink (for reasons none other than to parade around the city with his matching Mini-Me, meanwhile tapping into his inner Austin Powers) accessorized with a cheesy smile, a pair of Ray-Bans, and topped off with a good head of hair.
On Father’s Day Weekend, the goal of any man’s family is to drop everything they’re doing, and shower the big man with love and attention – but somehow, he finds a way to make this day all about his family. That is exactly what Big Daddy did for LD, and coincidentally, I felt pretty darn special as well.
We pay tribute to our Deelish Daddies not only because they are at least 50% responsible for our kiddos being on this earth in the first place, but also because they play a significant role in our lives, and in our homes. And for that, we celebrate them.
Big Daddy didn’t ask for much this weekend. He just wanted to experience LD’s first taste of cotton candy (or in actuality… her reaction to him dangling that fluffy pink carrot in the poor child’s face)…
(I didn’t help matters much either! Whoops…):
He wanted to capture her first facepainting experience before it gets smudged (which was exactly 10 seconds after this photo was taken):
He wanted to protect her from that freaky looking guy with the square shaped pants:
He wanted to share a dance with the little lady in his life (to a funky beat of a gigantic drum circle, of course – featuring: “Free to be Me”):
And he wanted to kiss her, hold her, and show the world how proud he was to be her father.
And THAT is why we love Big Daddy. Because he is nothing short of amazing, and in the eyes of LD, he sure is big (okay – maybe not “Spongebob” big, but big nonetheless).
Happy Father’s Day Big Daddy!
Stylishly (and lovingly) yours,
A special High Five to PRC for hosting such a wonderful Father’s Day event! We heart PRC!