How I faced my fears and made it into a snack:
I don’t know about you guys, but here on the island – sometime around the first week of autumn, the spiders are out in full force and ready to make their presence known. Can I just say one thing?
Yes…. I epitomize all that is anti-spider. At least in this home. Yes… I know… they actually help clean house throughout the year, and really, I should be grateful for them. But have you ever seen a daddy long legs in your kids’ locker at school? And YOU’RE supposed to be the adult that “safely removes” said spider, only to set them free where they belong – out in nature? Are you kidding me?? Well – you better believe I didn’t play hero this time (not today, thanks) and appointed a very brave mama (the closest other adult I could find in the hallways) to save this poor kid from the wrath of this ferocious, possibly deadly spider. Ugh, I shudder at the memory.
All that to say… nope. I do NOT do spiders.
Unless they’re cute.
Enter… these adorable easy Fall Spider Cracker Snacks. The only spider anything that I will allow in my house (at least with me knowing about it). I decided it was important I faced my fears of spiders and show their adorable side. In snack form.
Super easy. I got these awesome Organic Golden Round Crackers from Whole Foods (but you can also grab them here
Truth be told, Ritz Original Crackers
are the originators of these super duper easy Fall spider cracker snacks, but you know…. trying to be good.
I’m still on the hunt for the perfect alternative for Kraft Cheez Whiz
, but until I find one that is EXACTLY the same consistency, color, and attitude as Cheez Whiz
to trick my daughter with (and her father), Cheez Whiz
it is. These adorable and ridiculously easy fall spider cracker snacks are not cracker snacks without the spread.
But don’t be afraid to throw in any Nut Butter
, or if this is a school snack, Wow no-nut Butter
(because, we all know… student allergies) and you do not want to be THAT mom) as an alternate.
Whichever you choose, spread it on half of the crackers, and place two dots of Cheez Whiz or Nut (or no-nut) butter for the eyes.
Over which you will be seamlessly dropping these beauties:
Chocolate chips are our family’s jam. But lately, we’ve been really digging Krisda Chocolate chips and Lilys Chocolate Chips
. Both are lower in sugar, so that’s always a great idea (You’re welcome).
On half of the crackers with the spread, break off some pretzel sticks and place them like so:
Take the other half with the eyes, turn it over, and spread the other side with more spread, and carefully place it on the bottom half – sandwiching the pretzels.
And voila…
The un-spider-y super sassy, perfectly no nonsense, excruciatingly easy Fall Spider Cracker Snacks. Perfect for the fall. Perfect for an after school snack. Perfect to bring to your kiddos’ class party and show off how seemingly Pinterest-y mommy is (even though, we all know she is absolutely not… but would love to pretend she is), and incredibly perfect for Halloween. And anyone who knows us, knows the Balinos are ALL about Halloween.
Oh and if you’re feeling ambitious, why not make a sandwich out of it too?
Throw in some creepy apples with mini marshmallows for teeth, and mini wiener Pillsbury Doughboy mummy wraps, and you got yourself an empty bento box at the end of the school day.
Or at least the hope of one.
Introducing, my super-picky-spider-detesting-and-all-things-creepy daughter….
So there you have it folks, my way of facing my fears and making it cute.
Now if I can only bring out the cute in wasps. Um. No thanks.
Happy Fall!
Keep it Sassy Sister,