One thing I LOVE about living in Tinstletown during the Winter months, is that you could theoretically spend a Saturday afternoon shopping outdoors…
…drinking from your cup ‘o joe (whip, no guilt), wearing nothing more than a cute moo-moo, wedge heels and a light jacket, and rock it out that same night with a hot smokey eye, a killer red lip, break out the heels and witness a winter spectacle. And that’s just what LD and I will be doing this Saturday, 12.03.11.
I will be wearing LD, SHE will be wearing FABULOUS, and WE will be walking hand-in-hand with Big Daddy at The Grove in Los Angeles to witness the magic of MAC Glitter and Ice. The only place on the planet where you will be standing under a perfectly manicured palm tree watching skaters in white, twirling and swirling around a gigantic human-sized Snow globe on a bed of GLICE. A Winter Wonderland of Glitz, Glam, and Makeup. Could it get in better than this?
Why, no – my friends, and that is why LD and I will be there glammin‘ it up THIS Saturday night. The beautiful thing about this grand affair, is that if LD decides she would rather grace MAC Cosmetics at The Grove with her presence at another time, she has a whole weekend to choose from! MAC Glitter and Ice will have performances on Saturday, Dec 3rd, 2011 at 3, 4, 6, 7, 8PM, and on Sunday Dec 4th, 2011 at 1, 2, 4, 5, 6PM.
And I’m not only going because of my long-time love affair with MAC Cosmetics throughout my life of wearing makeup….
Back in the Fafi Days:
In the days (and late nights) of singing and performing:
In the days of more gigging, and more hair:
And even on the days of “I Do”:
Yes, I’ve had my face beat down by the ridiculous skills of MAC Cosmetics Artistry. And just when you think you’ve seen it all, little LD ensured, even in utero, that she gets a piece of MAC Makeup too:

Belly Makeup Art, MAC Cosmetics, a collab effort by the amazing Erika Guinn and Big Daddy, circa 2010
But this isn’t about me (oh, but it is….) 🙂 This is about MAC GLITTER AND ICE at The Grove. Anybody who’s anybody will be there, and LD is no exception. Of course we were thrilled that this would be our opportunity to break out the LA winter wear!
Did somebody say, “Glitter”???:
These Foil Leggings are so Haute – it’s no wonder we have them in Gold as well!
And in keeping with the winter and ice theme – LD‘s ready to break out the puffy vest and faux fur trimmed hoodie.
We’re pretty stoked that we can finally get some use out of LD‘s Silver Tiny TOMS Glitters:
If L’il Mama doesn’t protest TOO much, we may get away with a little Tutu action:
So be sure to pop by, and stay awhile! There will be sweet surprises and a lot of Makeup to play with!!! Ooooooooh MAKEUP!!! In between shows, I’m sure I will squeeze in a little mommy-gets-made-over facetime with my friends (and family) at MAC Cosmetics. You should too!
It will be a Spec-MAC-ular event! See you there!
Stylishly yours,