There’s a lot riding on LD‘s outfit for the Holidays, as there is an expectation of some grandiose reveal of her carefully chosen holiday outfit. She IS the daughter of the so-called Babystylista, after all. But this year – it surprisingly fell to the bottom of my priority list, as there were so many other things to wrap my head around… I just couldn’t get my act together this year.
This is the first year we are celebrating the Holidays with my immediate family. That being, my mom and dad, my brother and his family, and of course Big Daddy and the little elf herself, LD. It will be a small, intimate celebration – but definitely a special one. Part of me yearned for a big, loud, rambunctious neverending party like those of my Christmas past, but as the days drew near to today’s events, I started to realize, that we were, and are, EXACTLY where we are supposed to be. My sister-in-law would be busy doing her magic with the menu, as Grammy and Grampy are kept nice and active being entertained by their grand-kiddos. Meanwhile, I would be doing last minute errands and not surprising – working on the biz, a healthy mix of this and that – all of which simply could not be done any other time.
So you can imagine my panic, as a good amount of my readers reached out saying how much they were looking forward to seeing LD‘s Holiday outfit. Much to everyone’s, and my own surprise, quite simply, I was nothing short of ill-prepared this year. My mind has been elsewhere. It’s been a year of travel, a year of heartache and loss, a year of change, and a year… well… of toddler. In other words, I’m still not exactly getting my full 8 hours of sleep (oh please, I don’t think I have yet to sleep more than 2 hours at a time, but I digress – I’m saving that for another post!), the running and chasing never ends, and I’m much too busy being sidetracked by mommy-brain in general. But that’s simply no excuse. This is supposed to be my job! My job as mommy, and as a stylist, I am responsible for planning weeks and weeks in advance for what is supposed to be THE outfit of the year.
I simply couldn’t get away with this, now could I?
Even LD was in tears at the very thought.
So on the night before Christmas… (this is beginning to sound like a lame version of a Christmas classic) I made a very last minute decision to run to the nearest Joe Fresh, a North American-exclusive brand. After what truly took me all of 10 minutes to do, I think Joe Fresh should really consider changing their name to Fresh and Fabulous. As I ran through the doors of this Childrenswear Disneyland – I was greeted with racks and racks of selection that may have initially overwhelmed me, but very quickly welcomed me with open arms. I literally pulled items off the racks knowing in my mind I wanted my non-princessy-princess to have a “white christmas” (especially with the shortage of snow in this particular part of the globe). Joe Fresh had an incredible array of holiday wear for kids, and most of the styles, if not all of them, lived up to it’s name of being “fresh”. There was so much dimension and style, I didn’t quite know what to do with all the choices. So I narrowed it down to white, frilly, fuzzy and all that is girly. In other words – we were going to go drastic.
And this is what we came up with:
And lest we forget our Ivory Ruffle Bloomers from Ema Jane:
Not bad, right? Actually – we were pretty darned pleased with it. Especially LD – who insisted that if she was going to go Girly girl – she was going to all the way! So she added a little faux fur action (SALE ALERT!),
and VOILA!
Happy as a clam! And it only took me mere minutes! Does it look it? Call me bias – but I’m thinking my baby girl is looking rather fabulous in her unconventional-for-LD girly-girl winter white wear. Faux Fur Winter white is such a HAUTE look this season – and I’m glad we jumped on the proverbial fashion bandwagon. I always shy away from the frills and the faux and the ruffles… but I am now a believer!
So – moral of the story – if you’re going to go fabulous – go fresh. Joe Fresh has an abundance of styles that are perfect for you and your little one. I had far too many things on my mind this season, and I didn’t want to spend weeks preparing for something that in theory (and in reality), could take me all of 10 minutes to do. If time is not in your favor, but style is – Joe Fresh has got to be your next stop. They’re fab, they’re festive, and their fresh.
Happy and Merry Everything! From your favorite neighborhood girly-girl!

photo by: Unky Brian
Merrily yours,
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