With Daylight Savings Time making the switch (at least in my ‘hood anyway)… it’s definitely time to make that warddrobe switch for our little ones. We could dig out our mufflers, mittens and oversized puffy jackets (which *I* by the way, proudly showcase in my closet, so no judgement…). But I would much rather talk about the the HAUTE winter wear of 2011. Let’s face it, no one is really THAT cute standing outside in the dead of winter, frost bitten and all bundled up. Eck. No fun.
So I say, we focus on the HAUTE and HOT winter looks that our little snow angels are all geared up to throw on this coming winter! Rule of thumb… LAYERING is never out of style. Layer, Layer, and when in doubt – LAYER SOME MORE! Of course, for the wee little ones, their chubb may account for about 3 layers, so keep that in mind when attempting to layer.
While we’re on the topic of layers (or at least the appearance of layers), LD and I are collectively huge fans of these looks:
I know I know… I have a 7.75 month old who is already aching to be part of the “big girls club” – but who am I to stop her?
As always… I digress. This is supposed to be about BABY, not me. But I have exhibited in many-a-post-of-Babystylista’s-past that style is merely in the eye of the beholder. And we all know that between YOU and baby… baby’s too busy snoozing, eating, and pooping to be worried about beholding nuthin’! So really – his/her style is pretty much up to YOU.
So anyway – back to me and how I choose to dress my child…
Happy Winter, world! Stay tuned for posts on how to get these looks from some adorable local boutiques we’ve stumbled across in the last few weeks. Just getting over the sniffles that come hand-in-hand with the new season.
Stylishly yours,
PS. A big STYLIN’ thank you to BRIAN BOBILA for the fab fotos! Uncky Brian Rocks!!!