Last weekend, we were invited to attend the annual family Christmas party at the Castle. LD leapt at the chance to break all winter season rules of not wearing white (when it comes to Rules of Fashion … “BAH HUMBUG”, says she).
We were all very excited, because this was her chance to meet Santa, be called up by name, get a cool gift, and not worry about mall lineups. Are we hooked up, or what?
Check out the pearly whites on this excited little winter lass in white.
Plus she gets a lot of q-time with her Big Daddy, the lucky ducky who happens to spend a lot more time at this castle than she does (like 40 hours a week type time…)
She enjoyed playtime with the other kids, including some fun activities at the crafts station. She even got a custom-made heart tulip balloon created with love by a festive clown on site.
Finally, the time has come. The man of the hour. The one she has been waiting on for 364 days, since their last encounter.
A little apprehensive at first…
Followed by suspicion…
But once the gift was presented, she soon realized – Wait… this IS Santa!
She even managed to get a squeeze outta the big guy in red.
This was mere moments after she loudly whispered in his ear what she really wished for this Christmas – A baby brother or sister. Meanwhile, my heart shattered into about 9 billion pieces…
After an orchestration of ahhhhs and a collective synchronized head tilts by all the big people within earshot, the little lady in white ran back to her spot on the Castle floor and excitedly exclaimed – “It’s my baby brother! It’s my baby sister!”
(Once again… my heart dropped, followed by a sharp kick into my gut.)
But Santa cleverly responded to the little mama – “Oh dear. I may have to leave that up to the Stork…” and gave her the next best thing. Individually wrapped (kind of brilliant, really) Frozen Figurines, starring her heroine, Princess Anna.
It was a beautiful day at the castle, but what made it so special was spending it with some of the people she loved most. And who wouldn’t love a grandma that would voluntarily coordinate with her granddaughter, going against all fashion rules of wearing white or ivory, and looking oh-so-fabulous while doing so?
Merry almost Christmas, my dear friends!
Don’t just dream of a white Christmas… wear it!
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