As a mini fashionista and travelista in her own right, Little Mama can’t help but have a deep love and fascination of The Big Apple. At least once every second season of dragging my little one to fashion shows in the east coast, someone always asks me why my daughter loves New York City so much. I mean, she’s 5 years old. How does she even have an opinion of what makes a city so great at this age?
Well, there are about a million reasons, but for all intents and purposes, I shall name you our top five.
But first. The food.
Here are the 5 reasons why my daughter loves New York City so much.
I have often been asked if it’s a good idea for me to be traveling with my little one where she’s hopping from one timezone to the next, instead of being consistent with her nightly routine like a 5 year old should. After hemming and hawing about being a better parent, and rethinking what I should be doing with my daughter, I realized I’m not giving her and my family enough credit. Travel has given her the opportunity to adjust to new situations, new timezones, and new environments. Most importantly, traveling as often as we do, my little preschooler has established new, dynamic friendships all over the continent. All while rekindling old ones.
Anyone who knows my Little Mama, knows that she is her own little person. She wears what she wears, she does what she does, she says what she says. In any other situation, it’s easy to stick out – and not always in a good way. When you live on an island, bright yellow Doc Marten boots and piggy tail buns aren’t always easily received. But in New York, anything goes. Everyone’s personal style and unique quality is embraced, accepted, and celebrated. I love that we can wear our tassles and harems, and everyone is just too busy with their own lives to worry about what everyone else is doing with theirs. It is freeing for even the tiniest of trend setters.
3 :: WHY MY DAUGHTER LOVES NEW YORK CITY – The Subway is Amazing
The subway experience is just as enlightening for the young as it is for the old. As much as the subway may have its moments of chaos, unbearable heat, and struggle, Little Mama and her little buddy have found joy. Nothing beats a good round of subway shenanigans.
4 :: WHY MY DAUGHTER LOVES NEW YORK CITY – Mommy and Daddy are in their Element
It’s true what they say – Happy Mama (and Daddy) means happy kiddo. Moving to an island, I have been missing the big city life, the hustle and bustle, heck I even miss the smog. I love that I get to stand in the middle of the streets of Manhattan drinking out of a disco ball, shortly after taking a ride on a rent-a-street-bike. Big Daddy enjoys taking a ferry across the city catching the views as he gears up for a solid 4 hours of perusing his favorite comic book store. New York offers a plethora of exciting things to do like no other. And we couldn’t be more thrilled to partake. Little Mama knows that fun goes hand-in-hand with doing the things we love to do.
5 :: WHY MY DAUGHTER LOVES NEW YORK CITY – It’s A Place Where the Entire Family can Enjoy
I know, the idea of trekking a family through the busy streets of Soho is a far cry from a relaxing outing with the family. But the stimulation and excitement, the breathtaking views, and the endless options of entertainment? There’s no comparison.
Little Mama loves that we can spend the morning enjoying a breezy ferry ride while gazing at the beautiful skyline…
… followed by an afternoon of riding on pastel fishies dancing to ethereal music…
… and ending the evening with an exciting walk through the bright streets of Times Square. Really, there’s nothing like it.
BONUS :: WHY MY DAUGHTER LOVES NEW YORK CITY – Its Story is Greater than Any Book She Has Ever Read
Little Mama may be a little too young to comprehend the magnitude of the Freedom Tower where the World Trade Center Twin Towers once stood – but she can surely appreciate its beauty. This may be the first time she has been among a large group of people silently and respectfully absorbing the sacred space and its history while collectively fighting back tears. She was filled with wonder at how amazing and grand this entire area was. We all were.
But Little Mama‘s love for New York City doesn’t stop at these 5 + 1 reasons. She now has decided that home should be right next to Lady Liberty, across the waters from Battery Park where the food is yummy and the water parks are in every corner. Unfortunately, a solid plan to move to the East Coast isn’t exactly in the cards right now, but we are going to just relish in the fact that we get to see this beautiful city every couple seasons for Kids Fashion Week. For now, we enjoy our visits together loving what the city has to offer, and what loving who we’re sharing it with.
And while we’re on the topic of traveling with the family, don’t forget to visit our fabulous co-host of #5faves at The Koala Mom for her list of favourite country road trip songs!
We would love to hear some of YOUR five favorite things too. Link up below!
Take a bite outta the big apple and add it to your bucket list!
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Bonnie Way recently posted…5 Favourite Country Road Trip Songs #5Faves Vol.
My experience with New York City is limited to JFK Airport on the way to Ireland 18 years ago but the city is on my bucket list to visit.
jen recently posted…{five favourites}: Miscellanea (LXIX)