George and I have never been much into the costume world ourselves, but ever since Smallie, Smallie 2.0 (and the furry smallie siblings that preceded them) came into our lives, we can’t imagine a Halloween without fully immersing ourselves… as a family. Or what has eventually evolved into what we like to call, Fam-o-ween. Along the […]
Back To Homeschool, Hello Preschool
Here we are – it’s back to homeschool 2021/2022. The reaction to this decision has been relatively divided – understandably so. Why on earth would I go back to the craziness that was 2020? The truth is – though it was a bumpy year, in more ways than one, we finally found our footing. We […]
Choosing to Homeschool :: BTS Fall 2020/21
Happy September! Happy Back to school! And you read it right… we are choosing to homeschool! Was it an option? Absolutely! Was it an easy one? Absolutely… NOT. I think I spent more time humming and hawing about whether I was going to homeschool Little Mama or not, than actually planning her homeschool year. And […]
You Do You :: Back to School Kid Crush USA
You do you. I found myself saying these very words on repeat today, as I brought Smallie to school for her first day of Grade 2. I don’t even really like that catch phrase to be honest. So cliche, but what’s a mom to advise her little girl who spent most of the summer saying she was pretty […]
My Baby’s Growing Up – Kid Crush USA
Ugh. My baby’s growing up. At lightening speed. It’s been an incredible summer spending every waking moment with my family, adjusting to our life as a party of four. And even with my daily dose, I am noticing very quickly how much change is taking place in both my children. Easy to spot the transformation that […]
Kids and Music :: How Music Helps a Creative Child
Kids and music is not a foreign concept to me. Ever since I was three years old, I played the piano and kept it up until I was 17 years old. I knew more of music than anything else. It was quite literally, my life. Did I love it? Meh. Did I hate it? Sometimes – Scratch […]
The Making of Little Mama :: My Mini Me
My Little Mama. How, on earth did we come up with this name, Little Mama? I mean, the child has been referred to, many-a-time, as her daddy’s doppalganger. But we all know that passing down our traits doesn’t simply mean, our eye color, leg muscles (or lack thereof), and the predisposition for nearsightedness. More than that, it […]
Back to School and Back to Work
Here we go again. First day of school. This year… Grade 1. Back to school and back to work. Last year, kindergarten was one thing – a nice transition from preschool. And even then, I still felt the jab in my gut. Now it’s officially a “grade”, and on the days leading up to it, […]
Back to School For Mom :: Vol. 41 #5Faves
Today, is the 2nd full day of Little Mama being in kindergarten. For the last month of mind-boggling preparation for first day of school, I have simply forgotten what it means to be back to school for mom. Moreover, I have been so distracted by the anxiety and worry about Little Mama being away from me for more […]
First Day of Kindergarten for Little Mama
It’s the first day of kindergarten for Little Mama. And she is nothing short of thrilled. But me on the other hand… I’m just… sad. Why? Because for the last 5 consecutive years, this has been my life… And now, I can barely lift her in my arms. She’s far too busy reaching her own heights. It’s first […]
5 Reasons Why I Take A Summer Break from Blogging :: Vol. 40 #5Faves
Is it obvious that I haven’t really been around much lately? Other than our weekly 5Faves post, I have pretty much been MIA from the blogging circuit. I have about a million reasons why I take an annual summer break from blogging, but it still doesn’t put the brakes on the guilt that follows closely […]
Teaching My Child the 5 Signs of a Great Friend :: Vol. 39 #5Faves
Back-to-school is literally moments away (for us, anyway… the rest of the world is pretty much in full swing), and backpacks, pencil cases, and bento boxes are flying off the shelves. Kids are squeezing in the last chapters of their summer reads, while parents are pulling their hair out making all attempts to nail down their kiddo’s […]
5 Reasons Why We Love Preschool :: Vol. 29 #5Faves
It’s Little Mama‘s very last day of preschool this week, and not surprisingly, I am struck with a good dose of melancholy. Our little girl loves preschool. Scratch that, we ALL love preschool. Little Mama has definitely come a long way since Day 1. Of course, not all preschools are created equally, so it’s really about finding the perfect preschool that suits your […]
5 Rainy Day Kids Fashion Outfits for June Gloom :: Vol. 26 #5Faves
Living most of my adult life in California, one of my least favorite seasons of the year falls right around this week – where hints of winter, fall into spring, as we approach summer. I’m talking about… June Gloom. It’s cold. It’s hot. It’s wet. It’s dark. It’s gloomy. But let’s not sweat the small stuff. […]
Pink it Forward – Quirkie Ways to Wear #Pink :: Antibullying
If there are two things that perfectly describe my kiddo, it is that she is just a little bit quirky (okay… a lot quirky), and in her wonderful little world – pink, truly is the new black. So when we discovered Quirkie Kids, we were thrilled to have found a line that fit my little […]
Little Mama Got a Haircut :: The Timeless Angled Bob #wordlesswednesday #linky
Now that Halloween is over, and daylight savings is in full effect, we figured we would enter the new season with a whole new look. The angled bob. With bangs. This isn’t a new concept for us, as we have been styling little mama’s du in an angled bob for as long as she has […]