Disclosure: Sass & Smalls was provided with Beauté Pacifique Vitamin A Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream for review. All opinions are our own.

Being a mom of an extremely curious toddler and a busy kiddo at school, has not only kept my adrenaline levels at an all time high and my energy at an all time low – but has also completely done a number on my skin. I’m already an older mom (and proud to be), so it didn’t come as a huge surprise that anti-wrinkle and anti-aging products have taken over my everyday vocabulary and skin repertoire.
Full disclosure… I’ve had a hard time with this realization. However, learning how to take better care of myself, for the sake of my kids (not to mention, their mama) has become top priority. While still a work in progress, this newfound quest to be the best version of myself as a mom has enlightened me to develop better beauty habits, and to see the abundance of resources, opportunities, and products ready for the taking. When I received the Beauté Pacifique Vitamin A Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream, it was perfect timing. I’ve been on an ongoing hunt for high quality anti-aging products, specifically in the world of facial products. I mean, the face is the first thing the world sees – and this mama is tired of hiding behind the exhaustion. What stood out most for me with this Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream were its unique benefits:
- Fights dark eye zones – when caused by transparency of thin skin (mine is as transparent as they come)
- Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles (this is a big one for me!)
- Makes the skin more robust and protects against the action of free radicals
- Contains two different forms of Vitamin A each having their own way of rejuvenating the collagen fibre structure
- Patented technology and ingredients
- Complete line for everyone’s skincare needs (can share this with hubby who has oilier skin than me, don’t tell him I told you)
- Cruelty-free (we’re animal lovers, so this is kind of a big deal)
- Can repair and reverse sun damage (BRING. IT. ON.)
On top of my usual interrupted sleep (and dire need for more), I lost a dear friend of mine recently, and it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions. In the midst of this overwhelm, I have been embracing and surrendering to a life of no sleep – and if I finally got to sleep, it’s only because I may or may not have cried myself to utter exhaustion. For the last few weeks, puffy eyes have become my prime look at school pick up. Not cute at all. Though I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve in general – looking the way I’ve been feeling lately, wasn’t something I would have wanted to start the year with. Truth be told, a bright light in my life has moved on from this life, and life, as it stands, has been nothing short of dark. I’ve been feeling dark and uncomfortable in my own skin. Quite literally. But this isn’t something my friend would have wanted me to feel. So I decided, even if it wasn’t something that matched how I was feeling on the inside – I wanted to at least start lightening things up from the outside.
Enter, my cream-loving toddler.
The first thing my tiny beauty assistant and I worked on, were my eyes. Walking around with dark circles representing endless nights of tossing and turning, tending to a toddler who I’m positive, has picked up some of my sad vibes, eating my emotions, and more sleep loss – was brutal, to say the least. There was no hiding the fact that I wasn’t myself. As open as I am with my children, and as much as I teach them to embrace all the emotions with no shame – I didn’t want everyday to be filled with them wondering if mama was going to be okay. So I began using the Beauté Pacifique Vitamin A Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream, right smack in the middle of this rollercoaster called grief. I started off gradually, only introducing it to my skin every second day. This Danish skincare line is currently launching in Canada, and I was glad to be able to give it a test run during its preliminary stages – especially now, when I need it the most. It was developed to fight and repair age degeneration, sun damage, dry skin, & eczema – all of which I have been looking for in my products.
The idea alone of obtaining a stronger, healthier, more youthful glow, some of Beauté Pacifique‘s many benefits – sounded just as appealing as actually feeling it. Did I mention, my other mantra in life is to Fake it until I make it?
And so far, it’s been working like a charm.
Reducing the dark eye zones caused by the already transparent skin underneath our eye area, is what makes this Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream so appealing. Add to that, its remarkable ability to repair years of laugh lines, and wrinkles tucked away underneath all the puffiness and dark circles, and we got ourselves a winner!
Goodbye dryness! Goodbye redness! Hello younger, more denser skin!
These last few weeks, I’ve been pondering in between the very heavy moments of grief, how important it is to immerse yourself, especially as a busy and tired mom, in self care. Prior to my dear friend’s passing, she was on a campaign for self love and did all she could to embrace this concept while inspiring others to do the same. I was one of those others. I am constantly forgetting to pamper myself with proper rest, a night out with the girls, adequate hydration, and proper skin care. Now, more than ever, I am trying my best to prioritize my own health and need for self care.
This Valentine’s Day, instead of waiting for someone to cheer me up (I mean, I do have 3 people who do that on a daily basis), I felt this was the year I give myself some of that love. It was time to feel alive again. I’ve been gloomy and tired and unwilling to climb out of that hole I crawled into. Who needs chocolates when nurturing your skin is just as nurturing for the soul. The Beauté Pacifique Vitamin A Anti-Wrinkle Eye Cream has been nothing short of luxurious for my skin. It’s left me feeling more refreshed and good about myself. Even in the midst of the cold winter air, all those dry, uneven spots caused by sun damage and the like, my skin, especially around the eye area, feels restored back to its optimum state. I don’t think my fine lines have been managed this successfully since first becoming a mom 9 years ago. And those laugh lines and wrinkles are definitely at its peak now that this little firecracker of ours came into the picture.
So you tired, multi tasking, overwhelmed mamas out there… don’t forget to pamper yourself! You want your sass back? Get rid of some of that eye baggage and start lightening things up with good quality beauty products that help you get there. Beauté Pacifique is the perfect place to start.
…And if you’re wondering how you can give love this Valentine’s Day (and everyday for that matter), start with lovin’ on yourself.
Remember, your eyes are the window to your soul, keep ’em looking healthy…
That Actually Work