Here we are – it’s back to homeschool 2021/2022. The reaction to this decision has been relatively divided – understandably so. Why on earth would I go back to the craziness that was 2020? The truth is – though it was a bumpy year, in more ways than one, we finally found our footing. We figured out how to homeschool…
However, the x factor that made things a little …. sticky, when it came to distraction, unpredictability, and creating more than a handful of regrettable moments of choosing to homeschool my then Grade 4 kiddo – boils down to a mere two words.
I never thought I would be sending the eternal baby-of-the-family-even-when-he’s-already-in-his-50s to school at the ripe young age of 3. Believe me, sending my littlest little out of the house and keeping my biggest little home – was definitely NOT part of the plan. But we knew it had to be done if we were going to attempt this adventure of getting back to homeschool with my now Grade 5 star (and only) student.
It’s only part-time, but it will give Little Mama and I, a decent block of hours each week, to get into the nitty gritty of current events and fractions.
And let’s face it – I don’t think this big little of mine is hating on the idea of having some Mama-and-Me action for a few hours a week – just like old times.
I would be lying if I denied that the Pandemic and the sudden rise in Delta Variant cases had no bearing on our decision to homeschool for the second year in a row. Full disclosure – It absolutely gives me a sense of relief to know that I can have my kiddo safe at home. However, the real reason why it was virtually a no-brainer to keep her home this year – is written all over this face of pure bliss right here….
One-on-one learning for my typically distracted and reluctant learner has been virtually life changing. I know many parents and families out there who may not see the benefits of homeschooling their kids. Some, may even find this seemingly unorthodox method of learning, detrimental and potentially damaging for their little learners. Admittedly, I was one of those naysayers once upon a time. In fact, in the fall of 2020, this decision was far from easy. I doubted my own abilities. I questioned the social impact of denying healthy development of day-to-day peer relationships. I was inundated with curriculum choices and alternative learning styles. And if my already screen-obsessed kiddo had yet another reason to have her face glued to a laptop but this time, for learning purposes – I was completely not all about it.
But then the Pandemic happened, and we were all forced to hunker down and do our best to continue education at home. The choice was inadvertently, made for us.
And wouldn’t you know…. it worked out swimmingly! I mean – yes – it wasn’t always smooth sailing, but the pros unmistakably outweighed the cons. Gone, are the days of after school meltdowns. Gone, are the days of my introverted reluctant learner sitting by herself at the school picnic table drawing her depiction of the kids playing around her. Gone, are the days of hurried mornings, only to come in consistently late to class with my not so little Grade 3 girl kicking and screaming. Truth be told, life became even a little less stressful – for me….
I’ve come to realize that some kids learn optimally with one-on-one instruction, in the comforts of their own home, with flexibility and freedom to learn at their own pace. My daughter is unquestionably, one of those kids. She is finally thriving, eating better, sleeping better, learning better, and most importantly – SHE. IS. HAPPY.
Not surprising, however, focused learning with Little Mama, means more distraction all around, more song and dance to keep everyone stimulated, fed, and thriving, and less one-on-one time with the other sponge in my life...Unlike his big sis, this guy thrives in a social environment, aches to learn at a fast and stimulating pace, and in keeping up with his reputation and hair – needs the carefree and uninhibited interaction of peers. Snuggles, stories and snip-its of learning with mommy, in between 30 minute homeschool with big sis, just doesn’t cut it for him. For this reason, we believed he needed to attend Preschool and meet some little humans his size.
Maybe, just maybe, he’ll stop climbing the walls, and start swimming through the alphabet.
Finding out what fit best for our family’s lifestyle, learning styles, and personalities was KEY to deciding if we were going to go back to homeschool or enter the fun and murky waters of brick and mortar. It’s humbling to know that I can’t do it all, and that we really just have to roll with the punches when it comes to the little people in our lives.
All I could ask for when it comes to my kids’ learning, is that they are having at least some element of fun (I mean, let’s be real – fractions and the rule of superlatives are a far cry, but I digress), that they’re absorbing information in whatever method they need, they feel confident and empowered, and mostly – that they are completely themselves.
And that…. they are!
Happy Back to homeschool, school, and preschool to all your littles and big littles!
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I hope they have a wonderful year. I can see the benefits of homeschooling. I wouldn’t have the patience to do it, personally, but I have many friends who do it!
Amber Myers recently posted…What Is Inside Gideon’s Bakehouse?
That’s so awesome that you are able to homeschool and keep with it! We tried during spring of 2020 and it did not work here. My boys were on campus all last year and we are in our 5th week of school this year already. Your daughter looks so happy to have that oh-so-important one-on-one time with you.
Stephanie recently posted…Lasagna Soup
This is awesome 😊 I hope your kids have a wonderful school year and I love that you all get to experience & enjoy it together.
All the best with home school life. I hope that it is a great year for your all. I am sure that many parents will be interested to see how you all get on.
If the kids are happy, the will thrive in their environment! Totally agree, learning should be fun.
I so wish I was able to homeschool my daughter! I hope you guys have a great year!
Homeschooling is indeed beneficial, I am glad your daughter could blossom well with this. Have a great year ahead!
If the kids are happy and thriving and it works for you then great news. Learning should be fun and not a distraction x
Even though I do not homeschool, I can see why families would choose this option. Good luck with this school year and I hope it goes smoothly.
I love that you have the option to homeschool your kids. Wishing you all a wonderful new school year!
Happy back to school to both your kids and so glad you are homeschooling them. Loving both their styles and look as well
I honestly would consider homeschooling if I did not have to work. My first grade would drown but my 3rd grader would definitely soar. While many parents struggle through distance learning, my son soared and showed tremendous growth. He learned so many skills while at home. I am grateful for all the things we’ve learned in the past year. I would say your journey is inspiring and keep doing what is best for your growing kiddos to thrive.
Homeschooling definitely has it’s pros and can really be great for early development for kids who need more of that one-on-one time. I had a great experience with it personally. No matter what, the new school year is always exciting.
My heart is melting! Their first day of school photos are so cute
Honestly, I feel like it’s a personal choice, to homeschool or not. It’s just good that parents have the choice, imagine if it wasn’t an option given what’s been happening!
Learning styles are different for everyone. I agree though, one on one is always excellent. I wish we had that luxury in the classroom more often than we do.
That’s great that you are doing homeschooling. I am always impressed at moms who take this on, as it is certainly a big commitment.
Marysa recently posted…Cooking with Barilla Creamy Genovese Pesto
There back packs are so cute! It’s good that one on one works better for your eldest and that you can do that – it’s so good to ensure that children are learning in a way that’s best for them.
Jupiter Hadley recently posted…A Day Out at Nickelodeon Adventure Lakeside
Congratulations mama! I know homeschooling was so hard for me. I would lose my patience. So proud that you are doing it!