Today – my baby came home. Not this baby.
THIS Baby.
And not “home” in the literal sense of the word, but home, well…. I take that back. Yes, we brought him home today. In a box, a beautiful locked wooden box, with his name inscribed on it.
His name is Kevin… AKA “Kaybon”. He was, and continues to be – my baby. He lived 12 amazing years spending most of it by my side. I’d like to say, he followed me everywhere I went because I represented freedom, excitement, and unparalleled joy that only a pug could ask for. But that wasn’t entirely true. I represented food and a whole lotta love. And that is all he ever asked of me. Food, and a good ol’ fashioned rub on the belly. Followed by more food. All it took was this little face, and then we caved…
Don’t get me wrong – we didn’t feed him with reckless abandon. Quite the contrary. We spent all, but the last days of his life, ensuring he ate only the best quality food, which did NOT include table scraps – much to his chagrin. In the last days, we wanted to spoil him with whatever his lovely little failing heart desired because all we wanted him to feel in those moments were pure love, with no condition – and if that meant a scoop of Salted Caramel Truffle flavored premium Haagen Dazs, then so beit.
But this little tribute to my big man, is not meant to relive those last torturous days. Rather, I want to remind myself of my darling little Kevin, aka, Kaybon, in the best light possible…. As my “original” mini-me…
Yes. I dressed him. As much as possible. In as many outfits I could squeeze his chubby little body into. And contrary to popular belief… he LOVED it.
Kevin understood what brought me such elation was having the ability to style those who could not style themselves (Hence, “Baby” Stylista) – And his goal in his incredibly short life – was to make me (and his hero, Big Daddy) happy. And happy, I was. Coincidentally – so was he…
From being the reigning champion of several annual Halloween Costume contests (we even got free storage and food supply out of it – in case you doubt the necessity of dressing your dogs up on Halloween…). His costumes were so “out of this world”, he even managed to go viral…
As well as other opportunities to play dress-up…
To our annual family Christmas Cards…
To our wedding day (okay, so they weren’t actually there at the ceremony – but they were there in spirit)…
And when all the fun and games were over, Kaybon enjoyed the simple things in life.
Like Music…
Reading a good book (or snoozing on one…)
Online Shopping…
Being babied when he was feeling under the weather…
Guarding the office folk and signing for deliveries…
Taking long, hot bubble baths…
Enjoying live entertainment…
Taking long walks (and not breaking a sweat)…

Pug Flyer
Recycling glass and plastics (quite the philanthropist he was…)
Modeling for photoshoots…
Knocking on doors, like the respectful gentlepug he is…
Perfecting the art of, “who me??” after a bout of shenanigans…
Burning rubber…
Enjoying an evening at the Oscars (Always a big fan of Billy Crystal)…
Taking calls…
Napping sitting up…
Spending time with friends…
Getting cleaned and groomed by this big brother, Seth…
…and his most favorite past-time – Taking in the cool, ocean breeze…
…But don’t be fooled by this seemingly “zen” pug. He had his fair share of troublemaking that wasn’t always so precious…
And speaking of precious – adjusting to a new family member was never a challenge for Kaybon. He embraced it with loving paws.
He even warmed up the stroller…
and gave, newborn, LD a warm and “fuzzy” homecoming…
Kevin even taught LD how to crawl after a million failed attempts on my part. He definitely adapted to the role of Big Brother/Babysitter/Crawling Facilitator/Guard-Pug seamlessly, and decided, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Before long, the two were inseparable bosom buddies, in coordinating outfits, no less.
Kaybon was the ultimate accessory in my life. Wherever I was, you can guarantee there was a snorting, bright-eyed, treat-obsessed, ruckas-making monkey, weaving in and out of my legs trying to make his presence known.
He loved being around us, night and day. At the foot of our bed, on top of our heads, licking our ankles to check what fragrance-free lotion we chose for the day, under the table doing what he does best, or waiting by the bathroom door with his tail wagging at lightening speed.
Kevin may not be here physically, but I am willing to bet all that I have and all that I know, this little black bullet is running around our home with table scraps hanging out of his mouth, a fur coat as lustrous and healthy as the day we met him, as happy as can be. The pain of his loss is real, and I would do just about anything to turn back the clocks and relive our last moments together over and over and over again. But I am rest assured, that those last moments of looking into the ocean and listening to the rumbling waves – is just a glimpse of what will come when we meet again.
Until then, my darling Kaybon – I envision you awaiting my homecoming everyday at the front door…
…and I hold on to these memories and look forward to making new ones with your big brother Seth (who we intend to spoil – which is all I’m sure you ever wanted for him)…
…and to raise LD in the best way we know how. You were, and continue to be her guardian pug, and now you are all of our guardian angel.
Forever in my arms…
Forever in our minds…
Forever in our hearts…
you’ll always be… my baby boy, Kevin.
Now go and put your camo pants and suspenders on like a good boy, and make mama proud.
I Love you to the moon (on the other side of rainbow bridge at the end of the tunnel) and back,
P.S. Big Daddy – in the 12 years of Kaybon’s life, you were his hero and his master. He looked up to you and loved you so much. In his last days, you were his primary caregiver and you did everything you could to keep him going. Thank you for affording me those precious days. You are a good daddy and we all love you very much.
P.S. P.S A special thank you to Unky Brian for the amazing family photos which we will cherish forever. Thank you for loving Kaybon the way you always did. You kept his tail wagging.
P.S.P.S.P.S An extra special thank you to Dr. Amber and the staff at Banfield Pet Hospital El Segundo for their gentle touch and support of the tail-wagging pug especially on his last days, as well as Dr. Amber Cohn & Dr. Arndt the staff at City of Angels Pet Hospital, who held our hands though the whole process and gave us the extra time we needed. Thank you!!
Love you,